
This is a website contains details about dataset and methodology adopted for searching invariant proteins across 1623 Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates.


1623 M. tb clinical isolates

Raw variant calling files .vcf of 1623 Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates, was downloaded from GMTV database. The downloaded variation file used in our analysis is available here [225 MB]. The details on 1623 Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates can be downloaded from here [464 KB].

890 Metabolic genes

From our previously published article [1] , 890 metabolic genes (RvIDs) were queried against downloaded variation file. The refernce genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (NC000962.3) was downloaded from NCBI.

Methodology of invariant genes

The detail methodology will be available soon with our article under communication.

Additional .vif files

Variation information file .vif was generated using the reference genome and GMTV variation file for 890 metabolic genes. The zipped file is avaliable here [2 MB].